
"It’s wow!

Freedom Ffrom Food - Book CoverFreedom From Food - The Book
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach
by Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT

How long have you been wrestling with your weight? How many diets have you tried? How many times have you condemned yourself for being a failure because you think you're overweight? Are you ready to stop struggling, enjoy eating, and still lose weight? Freedom from Food presents a revolutionary program designed by Patricia Bisch, who discovered the secret to regaining her power over food without deprivation. Built on the solid foundation of quantum physics, which substantiates how the mind affects the body, it provides practical applications of principles that guide you to making your consciousness strong enough to transform your body. From Patricia's own inspiring story to the techniques for changing your awareness of yourself and food, the book takes you on a journey-an adventure in discovering who you are and how to gain power, step by step, over what has been running you.

"My Aha! moment
came when I was listening to the guided visualization on the audible Freedom From Food CD. I saw in my mind how food breaks down to tiny subatomic particles and then interacts with the body. This helped me to shift from seeing food as fat and calories that cause weight to seeing food for what it really is: tiny units of energy that are nourishing my body. From that moment, I was free from all my old ideas that food makes me fat!"

Freedom From Food - CD Cover

Freedom From Food - CD Set
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

by Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT

This 2 CD set is designed to support your success in the Freedom From Food program.
1. Guided Visualizations, incorporating the FFF principles of how to eat whatever you want and not gain weight.
2. Affirmations for Healing
3. Healing Your Inner Child

1. Subliminal CD with Music in 3 Parts: Uses the same 3 parts as in the audio CD, but the words are programmed into the CD below the level of sound. You hear only the music and your subconscious hears the words. This creates a powerful support to help you hold your new consciousness about food while you relax or go about other activities.

1. Download the CD tracks to your computer desktop. DO NOT interrupt the download—wait for it to complete.

2. If you can't find the CD tracks that you've downloaded, search your computer using the words "Freedom-from-Food-CD."

Freedom From Food - Audiobook Companion
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

by Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT

FFF Audiobook Companion CoverThe exceptional user experience in the Freedom From Food Audiobook Companion is due to its highly effective use of sound. The audio experience makes the information more accessible, which allows you to listen while engaged in other tasks. Many people find audiobooks easier to comprehend as the process of listening activates a part of the brain responsible for language processing. Repetition and daily practice are essential to open up new neural pathways in the brain.

To actively participate in each unique practice, we've provided the Practice Sessions Booklet as a free downloadable PDF supplement to the Audiobook Companion. You will need both the Audiobook Companion and the Practice Sessions Booklet to complete the full Freedom From Food program.

Important: For the complete Freedom From Food experience, be sure to download the free Practice Sessions Booklet (PDF) when you purchase the Audiobook Companion from Amazon, Audible, or Apple. Each of these online sources provides the ability to directly download the Practice Sessions Booklet.

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Add your email address here to receive occasional information about the Freedom From Food program.

"Patricia's on-line conference call
format is of invaluable help in strengthening our thinking from a new perspective, getting tips and support for following the program, and reconnecting with the truth of this work from the testimonials of other participants. I would definitely recommend this call to anyone doing the program on their own."
—Consultation student

Patricia Bisch Photo (new)

Freedom From Food - Your Personal Consultation
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

with Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT

Help shift your food relationship paradigm
These invaluable private sessions with Patrica can help give you the support and greater insight you need to more deeply understand the nature of your relationship with food.

Cancellation Policy: Personal consultations are non-refundable without 24 hour notice.

"Before I start my day at work
I always pick an Affirmation Card to help inspire me. Every day, I place the card next to my computer and, throughout the day, I am constantly focusing on this new message. Now I realize that I can make a difference and empower myself in my own life as I choose, and direct the thoughts I think."
Freedom from Food student

Affirmation Card Spiral

Freedom From Food - Affirmation Cards
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

by Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT

This digital card set (in a PDF Format) is designed to support your success in the Freedom From Food program.
The digital card set includes 25 beautifully  designed cards to assist you in the Freedom from Food program. Use these daily—or any time you need support—to re-enforce your commitment. Print a card or just keep the one you like open on your computer! Enjoy.

1. Download the PDF Cards to your computer desktop. DO NOT interrupt the download—wait for it to complete.

2. If you can't find the PDF Cards that you've downloaded, search your computer using the words "Affirmation-Cards." The PDF file will show up in your search.

Mastering Quantum Weight LossManifesting Quantum Weight Loss - Online Support Group
A Quantum Weight Loss Approach

with Patricia Bisch, MA, MFT


Support Group Curriculum
Through seven weeks of empowerment training, you will learn:

  1. How to move your conscious awareness into a reality where your body can change how it processes food.
  2. To understand subtleties and natural laws of the physical and quantum worlds.
  3. The necessary support and practice to master the steps needed to have the possibility of losing weight.

Registration Information
• Seven 90-Minute Sessions: $325.
Non-refundable advance payment is required.

Registration is currently closed while we complete our new, upcoming curriculum.